Thursday, May 29, 2008

Free stockphoto search app from

Everystockphoto search

Everystockphoto introduces free/license-specific photos from different sources creating a platform for users to search and use stock photos displayed here. Everystockphoto is a free service provider, once registered users can collect photos and comment, tag and rate them too.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A cushion that keeps you cool

Air conditioned Bedimage source:

We must have come across many cooling devices/gadgets developed to cool our bodies during our long hours at work or when asleep. Here is a neat gadget from Kuchofuku Suzukaze that regulates air through thin membrane and maintains temperature that is the ideal cooling temperature for a human body. With an overall weight of only 261 grams the device can be easily carried anywhere. The seats have a small fan built in it that circulates air within.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Icon search simplified!

Icon finderMany Icon search web-applications are released over the web and one of them is the all new "iconlook". At first glance it looks like any other regular search engine with the conventional search box with a search button, but with a twist, Icon Look is dedicated to help users to search for icons. Type the keyword of your choice and you are presented with a list/collection of free icons, categorized by its size (16x16, 32x32, etc). The "Tag Cloud" tab provides a huge keyword list that could match your search.

Also Check:,,

Thursday, May 22, 2008



Windows and Dell have joined (RED) to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. When you buy a Dell (PRODUCT) RED PC with Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, Windows and Dell will jointly contribute $50 or $80, depending on the product, to The Global Fund. With Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, these aren’t just the ultimate PCs, they’re a powerful way to improve lives
Click here to know more.

Google Health, a helping hand?

Google HealthNo Google Health is not an initiative to start hospitals across the country but another free web application to help users to store their medical records online and also use the same tool to share information with your doc or insurance companies over the internet. With many security and privacy issues hovering around, can Google Health give the confidence to its users to actually use the tool to record sensitive data as this. Something that many would think about already.

Calling Google, are there more surprises to come? How about a Google web-browser or a Google World Wide WiFi Spot where users from any part of the world could latch onto the Google network irrespective of where the users are located or travel different parts of the globe. Well! lets wait and see waz up! for grabs for years to come.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

List of 35 professional looking corporate websites

A good collection of corporate websites are listed at Rubiqube. The collections are analyzed and are carefully handpicked websites which looks professional in all aspects of design and development and also exhibit current trends and pattern involving design of corporate websites.

Find the list here: 35 professional looking corporate websites

DesignYouTrust: Refereshing Design Insipiration

Getting bored of too many CSS and Web Design Inspirations Gallery? Here is an interesting website called "designyoutrust" with refreshing design inspirations spanning all categories from Colors, Photos, Art, Print Design, Illustrations and more. The site showcases latest design projects from the famous designer's collaboration portal Behance.

from the site:
Design You Trust™ is a daily design blog and community, full of new design trends, news and events, great design portfolios, young design bloods, design articles, photographies, fashion, creative advertisements, architectural inspirations, video design and hand-picked design stuff from all over the globe."

You can be a part of designyoutrust by submitting a simple registration form to post your favorite Design resources, Photos and Videos.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Get paid for Blogging at Social Spark

Get paid for BloggingYou a blogger? Then Social Spark is the place for you. Anyone can join this blog network and make money against every post you make. You get paid $$ for post that you write on topics spread across Technology, Gadgets, Sports and many more. Log on and get sparking at the Social Spark network.