Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pattern Tap: New way to discover Pattern Design

Pattern Design The Patterntap is a life saver for interaction designers. Find all inspirations for your next UI design right here. Patterntap showcases a huge collection of design patterns categorized under 46 different sections like Headers, Navigation, Sorting, Footers, Forms, List, Tables etc. You can register at Patterntap and add patterns to your own set which becomes an easy to store
patterns online.

Though the site has different 'name set' to identify the patterns directly. The most important feature that the Patterntrap lack, is the Search option. The missing search feature would have you wandering around the site looking for the right design pattern. Hope we get to see the search option in the future version of Patterntrap.


神待ち said...


出合い said...


出合いサイト said...


man with van in London said...

Its good to have people who express their experience in a more neutral web site, due to the fact that in the official blogs and forums the moderators usually delete the negative opinions people have.