Monday, October 27, 2008
Samsung Pixon M8800 - all touch
Samsung Pixon M8800 is all set to compete the iPhone. This all touch screen featured phone shods an 8mp camera, 3.2" screen with a resolution of 240X400 TFT LCD. The interesting part of the phone is its camera features that has a 16x digital zoom and video shoot mode capable of capturing video at 30fps at 720X480 resolution. The phone also supports mpeg4, DIVX , Xvid and WMV files. The Samsung PIXON also features GSM, GPRS and EDGE for internet connectivity along with the regular features such as Bluetooth and USB port for network connection and it also features a TV out option.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
12:53 pm
Labels: Samsung Pixon M8800
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Pattern Tap: New way to discover Pattern Design
The Patterntap is a life saver for interaction designers. Find all inspirations for your next UI design right here. Patterntap showcases a huge collection of design patterns categorized under 46 different sections like Headers, Navigation, Sorting, Footers, Forms, List, Tables etc. You can register at Patterntap and add patterns to your own set which becomes an easy to store
patterns online.
Though the site has different 'name set' to identify the patterns directly. The most important feature that the Patterntrap lack, is the Search option. The missing search feature would have you wandering around the site looking for the right design pattern. Hope we get to see the search option in the future version of Patterntrap.
Posted by
5:15 pm
Labels: Design, Design Inspiration, Pattern design, UI Design, UI Pattern
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lively: 3D Chat by Google
Lively is a unique 3D chat experience by Google, in which you can communicate and express yourself using avatars in your very own space. Choose an avatar and use it to make friends and chat. Create rooms, decorate them to your liking, and make sure to invite your friends over.
Lively runs inside the browser but needs a Windows installation first to work.
Visit the site to know more and download the application.
Posted by
12:19 am
Sunday, July 27, 2008
USB Modem for Mobile Wimax Communication
U100 allows high speed wireless internet connectivity and is compliant with Mobile WiMAX Standard. U100 is lightweight and the users can conveniently carry it with them wherever they travel. The U100 has a 45 degree rotation hinge through which the user can get the optimal signal. U100 provides a connection manager for PCs with an interface that is simple and is user-friendly. Anybody can easily plug it in and use it.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Disney's M player!
iRiver and Disney launch this cute little music player called the M-player. The Mickey Mouse design music player is sure to make a good impact in the market. The player has a mini USB 2.0, a volume up and down buttons with the next and previous buttons to navigate through your favorite music. It has a storage capacity of 1GB and also provide a 1 year warranty.
It weighs about 17grams and has a continuous playback capability of approximately 9 hours. Plays the following formats, MP3, WMA at 8kbps ~ 320kbps. The player is powered by a built in lithium battery which is re-chargable and the software that conectes the device to the pc is also provided with the player.
The player retails for about $69.
Shop at Disney | iRiver
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
5:50 pm
Labels: disney mplayer, iriver mplayer, mplayer
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Webdesign Trend: Hand Drawn
"Hand drawn" is the most discussed web design trends these days. This article sums up the links and resources that could make your understand the trend and equally inspire your creativity.
"Hand-Drawn" trend pattern: This article from smashingmagazine gives the detailed analysis of what’s new about hand drawn trend, how the fonts, are handled, common usability issues, Logos, header, input fields, pre-loaders and more.
Tutorial: webdesignwall really created the momentum to this design trend with his awesome blog design. Adding to it he provided tips and tutorials in his own site for creating hand drawn web designs.
Resource: Collect all your free brushes, vector, shapes, textures and fonts from the article listed below:
Posted by
2:42 pm
Labels: Design, Design Inspiration, design resource, Web design, Web design Trends
Monday, July 14, 2008
Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer
Having trouble accessing your bookmarks from different parts of the world? Here is a relief to your trouble and the savior is none other than our very own Mozilla with the addon for the Firefox browser, its called the Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer. So if you are using Firefox at home and at work then install the Foxmarks on the machines that you use and the application will take care of synchronizing your bookmark data from a central database over the internet and its secure as the data reflects based on your login.
- Backup and Restore
- Share
- Web Access
- Sync Profiles
- Seamless sync
- Mobile Access
- Import & Export
Posted by
Sridhar Sundaram
12:26 pm
Labels: Bookmark, firefox, foxmarks, Foxmarks Bookmark
Friday, July 11, 2008
IPhone 3G to arrive!
The iPhone 2.0 OS is unlocked as well and the lauch of the phone is just a few hours away.
More updates on the launch to follow.... Watch this space for further updates.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
10:14 am
Labels: Apple iPhone 3G launch
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Tutorial9 Rocks with 99 Free Canvas, Paper, Paint, and Metal Textures
Tutorial9 has come out impressive free resource. The latest article "99 Free Free Canvas, Paper, Paint, and Metal Textures" proves to be a great collection of photoshop textures, canvas, paper etc. Most from the list are high res textures which are awsome and great resource for any designers. Chk out this link
Posted by
11:55 am
Labels: Design, design resource, Photoshop, Photoshop Brushes, Textures
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Create PDF online for FREE
PrimoOnline gives an easy way to create PDF files online. This requires no installation of any PDF software. Just upload your file, enter your email address, and thier server-based PDF creator will convert your file to PDF and mail to your email inbox! Try Out!
Posted by
11:06 am
Labels: Free Applications, free stuff, Online PDF Creator, PDF
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Motorokr EQ7 wireless speakers for your phone
The MOTOROKR EQ7 wireless speakers will soon be very popular among many mobile users wtih bluetooth connectivity. This wireless speaker connects to any electronic device that supports bluetooth. So music from your mobile phone is not personal anymore. Get stereo sound blasted from your mobile phone through these stylish speakers on the move.
You can not only just listen to songs but use them as a speakerphone as well. The device claims to have advanced technology for noise cancellation for better sound quality.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
8:38 pm
Labels: MOTOROKR EQ7, Wireless Keyboard speakers
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
jQuery Theme Controller
Life is getting very simple to design an interface these days, with many online tools and applications coming up to simplify web designing and development, you can find many interesting bunch of online apps everyday. Here is a simple app from jQuery UI 1.5 which lets users design and customize an interface of your website or applications. Try out your combination to come up with that unique and good looking theme at jQuery Theme Controller.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
10:57 am
Labels: jQuery theme roller
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Take a Tour of the Sky, NOW
Want to see the same images that scientists at NASA use for their research or perform your own research with those images? Or do you want to see the Earth from the same perspective that astronauts see as they descend to Earth? How about taking a 5 minute break and viewing a panorama of a different city?
Install WWT and start your explorations
Posted by
5:46 pm
Labels: Microsoft Telescope, Telescope, WWT
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The 3G Apple iPhone

Highlights of the 3G iPhone is, fast wireless technology, built in GPS mapping, integrated MS Exchange, Apple Store and many more. Browsing the internet over the iPhone 3G series has never been better.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
7:44 am
Labels: 3G iPhone, 3g phone, Apple iPhone 3G
Monday, June 09, 2008
Ultimate Grunge Roundup from Designreviver
The recent Grunge roundup from design reviver covers the whole aspects of grunge design. The article provides 200 plus quality downloads for grunge design, it includes:
1. Textures
2. Brushes
3. Fonts
Link: Ultimate Grunge Roundup
Posted by
2:42 pm
Labels: Corporate Website Design, design resource, grunge design
Friday, June 06, 2008
Freebase, the knowledge bank
Knowledge and Information at your finger tips with Unlike other information portals, blogs or websites freebase has a disciplined structure in organizing data/information. There are 3 different categories Data, Apps and Discuss.
Click on the Data link and you get to see different categories from Movies, Gadgets, Technology and so on under which the users get to hunt down information based on keyword search or within a couple of clicks.
A whole lot of information with reference to web technology, web applications and programming languages. This is a developer network where web developers with common interest meet and discuss and share web technology and programming techniques and also retrieve information for references and queries.
A forum to discuss any thought about topic. It could be anything that comes to your mind. You can discuss about a book, issues in politics and so on. It can be just about anything.
Check link:
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
8:00 am
Labels: Online information, Online knowledgebase
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Yahoo Stencil Kit
Yahoo has released its "Stencil Kit" as a part of Design Pattern Library. This seems to be a great idea and very useful resource to the designers. Though this may lead to yahoo biased design ideas, the standard approach to components can be a welcome idea. The stencil kit has following topics:
• Ad Units
• Calendars
• Carousels
• Charts and Tables
• UI Controls
• Form Elements
• Grids
• Menus and Buttons
• Mobile - General
• Mobile - iPhone
• Navigation and Pagination
• OS Elements
• Placeholder Text
• Screen Resolutions
• Tabs
• Windows and Containers
These are available for download in various formats (OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), PDF, PNG, SVG)
Link: Yahoo Stencil Kit
Posted by
9:27 am
Labels: Design, design resource, Web design, yahoo
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Orkut themes, change the face of your profile
Orkut changed the look and feel of its interface last year and now offers its users to customize the theme of their profile with the pre-defined themes offered by Orkut itself. The themes add a lot of character to the profile page. To change the theme on Orkut all you need to do is click the Change Theme link on the top right side of the profile page and select the theme you want to upgrade to and click on the update button.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
7:00 pm
Labels: Orkut themes
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Free stockphoto search app from
Posted by
3:05 pm
Labels: Copernic Desktop Search, Free Stock Photo, free stuff, Freelance, Photo Search, Stock Photos
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A cushion that keeps you cool
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
2:47 pm
Labels: air conditioned bed, seats
Monday, May 26, 2008
Icon search simplified!
Many Icon search web-applications are released over the web and one of them is the all new "iconlook". At first glance it looks like any other regular search engine with the conventional search box with a search button, but with a twist, Icon Look is dedicated to help users to search for icons. Type the keyword of your choice and you are presented with a list/collection of free icons, categorized by its size (16x16, 32x32, etc). The "Tag Cloud" tab provides a huge keyword list that could match your search.
Also Check:,,
Posted by
10:50 am
Labels: Icon design, Icon Finder, Icon Search, Icons
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Windows and Dell have joined (RED) to help eliminate AIDS in Africa. When you buy a Dell (PRODUCT) RED PC with Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, Windows and Dell will jointly contribute $50 or $80, depending on the product, to The Global Fund. With Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, these aren’t just the ultimate PCs, they’re a powerful way to improve lives
Click here to know more.
Posted by
10:43 pm
Google Health, a helping hand?
No Google Health is not an initiative to start hospitals across the country but another free web application to help users to store their medical records online and also use the same tool to share information with your doc or insurance companies over the internet. With many security and privacy issues hovering around, can Google Health give the confidence to its users to actually use the tool to record sensitive data as this. Something that many would think about already.
Calling Google, are there more surprises to come? How about a Google web-browser or a Google World Wide WiFi Spot where users from any part of the world could latch onto the Google network irrespective of where the users are located or travel different parts of the globe. Well! lets wait and see waz up! for grabs for years to come.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
11:36 am
Labels: Google health, Google services, Google web applications
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
List of 35 professional looking corporate websites
A good collection of corporate websites are listed at Rubiqube. The collections are analyzed and are carefully handpicked websites which looks professional in all aspects of design and development and also exhibit current trends and pattern involving design of corporate websites.
Find the list here: 35 professional looking corporate websites
Posted by
4:25 pm
Labels: Corporate Website Design, Design Inspiration, design resource, inspiration, Web design
DesignYouTrust: Refereshing Design Insipiration
from the site:
Design You Trust™ is a daily design blog and community, full of new design trends, news and events, great design portfolios, young design bloods, design articles, photographies, fashion, creative advertisements, architectural inspirations, video design and hand-picked design stuff from all over the globe."
You can be a part of designyoutrust by submitting a simple registration form to post your favorite Design resources, Photos and Videos.
Posted by
10:55 am
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Get paid for Blogging at Social Spark
You a blogger? Then Social Spark is the place for you. Anyone can join this blog network and make money against every post you make. You get paid $$ for post that you write on topics spread across Technology, Gadgets, Sports and many more. Log on and get sparking at the Social Spark network.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
8:44 pm
Labels: make money online, pay bloggers, Social Spark
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
GloPillow for a healthy wakeup call!
There are different pre-sets and 40 mins before every pre-sets the program triggers to start the LEDs to glow. The LEDs begins to glow gradually gently waking the user.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
11:03 pm
Labels: glo Pillow
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Nettuts: The new Web-Development resource
Collis Ta'eed has just launched his new site In continuation to the huge success of psdtuts collis has launched this site to branch out in tutorials for Web Development. The site seems to have a great response in the very first week which is evident from its FeedBruner box numbers nearing 600 within couple of days of its launch. It could be interesting to see how different the tutorials are compared to the existing sites, and its "Best of the Web" section.
Posted by
10:30 am
Labels: HTML CSS Tutorial, nettuts, psdtuts, Tutorials, Web Development Tutorials
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Color Toy 2.0 is a winner!
The ColorToy 2.0 is a flash application that generates color scheme for the right shades of your choice. Deciding the right color combination is a task by itself for many. So here is something that ColorToy will make easy for anyone. Feed the tool with a color and it automatically services you with the complimenting colors that you make you go awe! So try it out here and post your comments.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
7:30 pm
Labels: Color randomizer, Color Toy
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Google Notebook exports!!!
So what does Google Notebook have this time? The Notebook now features exporting options as in Google Docs. The subscribe to feeds option are made much easier to access with just a click on export as RSS from the tools meny. The Google Notebook integrates well with Google docs and the recent version of the Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer has the Notebook feature within it.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
9:16 am
Labels: Google Docs, Google Notebook, Google Toolbar
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Nappak's portable bed
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
4:31 pm
Labels: Nappak bed, portable bed
Friday, March 28, 2008
Adobe Launches Photoshop Express Public Beta
With Photoshop Express, digital photos can be uploaded and sorted anytime, edited non-destructively to always preserve the original image, and shared from anywhere, on any Web browser. In a few easy clicks, Photoshop Express empowers anyone to make standard edits, such as removing blemishes and red-eye, converting to black and white, cropping and resizing, and much more.
Photoshop Express offers a variety of creative sharing options, including uploading and showing off photos and slideshows in your own online “Gallery” hosted by Adobe, or conveniently embedding or linking photos to social networking sites and personal blogs without having to leave the application. Slideshows never looked better with animation that makes photos float and fly across the screen, allowing for viewer interactivity and unique presentation styles.
Visit now
Posted by
11:02 pm
web2.0 Button Collections
Nice collection of web2.0 style buttons are available in dragnet. There more than 50 buttons showcased here along with some links to additional resource. Enjoy!
Link: button_collection
Posted by
11:12 am
Labels: Buttons, design resource, Web2.0
Thursday, March 27, 2008 All About CSS around the globe
CSSGlobe is yet another site from the CSS community and Web Standards resources. So what is unique about this one? For two main reasons, one for its fresh and useful contents, and secondly for the active contributions of members bringing in latest of CSS and Web trends news.
The website carries active sections with “Articles” and “Community News”, both contributed by members/users. The articles are exclusively published for CSSGlobe supported with articles, tips, tutorials CSS and Web Standards from any other blogs/sites. Get registered and publish your findings.
Posted by
9:51 am
Labels: css, CSS Resource, css techniques, web standards
Monday, March 24, 2008
Qualtiy Freebie from
Good design is a reflection of creative ideas and free design resources makes it easy to implement and popularize the latest trend in design. Bittbox provides quality Freebies and showcases some of the best photoshop artist in the design industry and their creatives. Photoshop Brushes, textures, Vector Brushes, Shapes, Stock Photos are some of the resources that are shared on this site. A gold mine for any designer.
Posted by
10:06 am
Labels: design resources, free vectors
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
More life to your photos with HDR technique!
Have you ever thought of enhancing some of your prized shots taken from your camera? Then you got to learn to generate a HDR image which means High Dynamic Range image. A technique that produces true colors and tones to your photographs by collaborating pictures of the same features under different exposures.
To start its important to have a steady hand or make it easy with a tripod and take shots of the same object with different exposures without any movement to avoid blurring of pictures. For example take 3 pictures with +2 EV and a couple with -3 EV and use softwares like Photomatix or other applications to generate your final HDR image.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
12:09 pm
Labels: HDR image, High Dynamic Range image, photomatix, Photoshop cs3
Monday, March 17, 2008
Online Free CSS Menu Builder
Link: izzymenu
Posted by
11:29 pm
Labels: css menu, HTML tabs, menu generator
Apps Find: Expense / Money Tracking Web Apps
Always thought your money management skills is on the weaker side? Gone were the days scampering for a paper and calculator trying to figure out your spending pattern and punch the life out of the calculator.
With Web2.0 producing whole lot of online applications to manage your expenses, life has never been better. These apps help users track Expenses framed around the specified income from different sources as applicable to the respective users. In addition to the basic features you can plan your Budget and Expense report and also link bank accounts to the app.
Budget Pulse
"Money management software are usually complicated while online ones are too simple and featureless. BudgetPulse is built on principles of simplicity, user friendliness and comprehensiveness"- BudgetPluse

Posted by
10:28 pm
Labels: Expense Tracking, Money tracking, Online Personal Finance, Personal Finance, web 2.0 tool, Web Application
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dell launch 20" widescreen monitor
Dell's new 20" widescreen flat panel monitor, the DELL UltraSharp 2009W. This panel has the capapbility to show more pixel content than the Dell's 19" widescreen monitor. The monitor shods 4 USB 2.0 ports incase you run out of ports on the PC and it also comes with height adjustable stand. Delivers life-like pictures with crisp and rich colors making the virtual experience feel like reality.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
12:12 am
Labels: dell, dell monitor, flat panel monitor, lcd flat panel, LCD monitor
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Vectips: Quality tips and tutorials for Illustrator
In line to the recently famous resource blog psdtuts, here comes the new one "vectips". Vectips has come out with quality tips, tricks and tutorials for Adobe Illustrator. The site targets on professional visitors with medium level skills in the illustrator. The categorizing of the TIPS, TRICKS and TUTORIALS makes the user to reach articles quickly and the apple green color used for the design gives an overall pleasant look. My favorite tutorial from the blog:
Also check: creating-halftone-effects | quickly-add-grunge-to-text
Posted by
10:28 am
Labels: Adobe Illustrator, Design-Blog, Design-Inspiration, designs, Illustrator Tips, Illustrator tutorials, Resource, Vector, Vector Tutorials
Monday, March 10, 2008
USB Digital Film Scanner
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
9:01 pm
Labels: film scanner, negatives, usb digital film scanner
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Google Sites step up website publishing
Google Sites is finally launched. Another new service from the Google Apps stable, users can make use of Google Sites to develop/create websites online and no knowledge of programming is required to use this service. With different templates to choose from and a storage space of 10GB supported with a rich text editor, this application is a breeze to use.
Posted by
Vikram Sunderraj
9:15 pm
Labels: Google sites, site developer, Web Application, website template
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Trend Analysis on Navigation from Smashingmagazine
Navigation design plays a vital role in making a site/blog popular and equally successful. Smashing magazine has come out with a new article on Navigation menu trend analysis. The article proves to be a good reference for any creative site/blog design, as it covers most of the available menu styles and its best examples. You will end up with a clear insight and design trends of navigation menu. So gear up to redesign your blog navigation!
Article Link:
Posted by
11:11 am
Labels: Navigation, Navigation design, Trend analysis, Useful, Web Trends
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Morph concept from Nokia
Featured in The Museum of Modern Art “Design and The Elastic Mind” exhibition, the Morph concept device is a bridge between highly advanced technologies and their potential benefits to end-users. This device concept showcases some revolutionary leaps being explored by Nokia Research Center (NRC) in collaboration with the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre (United Kingdom) – nanoscale technologies that will potentially create a world of radically different devices that open up an entirely new spectrum of possibilities.
Morph concept technologies might create fantastic opportunities for mobile devices:
Newly-enabled flexible and transparent materials blend more seamlessly with the way we live Devices become self-cleaning and self-preserving Transparent electronics offering an entirely new aesthetic dimension Built-in solar absorption might charge a device, whilst batteries become smaller, longer lasting and faster to charge Integrated sensors might allow us to learn more about the environment around us, empowering us to make better choices.
In addition to the advances above, the integrated electronics shown in the Morph concept could cost less and include more functionality in a much smaller space, even as interfaces are simplified and usability is enhanced. All of these new capabilities will unleash new applications and services that will allow us to communicate and interact in unprecedented ways.
View more details
Posted by
10:35 pm
Labels: Concept Phone, Nokia Morph
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Turbocharge your web application development!
Generate database and reporting applications for .NET in minutes. Quickly create visually stunning, feature-rich Web 2.0 applications that are easy to customize and ready to deploy. If you need an app built today, use Iron Speed Designer!
Posted by
10:34 pm
Labels: User Interface Code, web 2.0 tool, Web design